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  • AnK 골프 시합 수상 > 호주 골프 유학 -은우 골프퀸스랜드 우승기사
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호주 골프 유학 -은우 골프퀸스랜드 우승기사
오동근 / 작성일 2012-10-10 19:47 / 조회수 3,604


Annie Choi (Sanctuary Cove) has proven too dominant, successfully winning the 2012 Katherine Hull Classic at the Sunshine Coast’s Horton Park Golf Club.

Choi was too strong, after closing out the field will a final round score of 73 (even par) to join her first round score of 69 (-4) and a second round score 75 (+2) to finish 217 for the Championship.

Choi finished a single shot clear of the 2011 champion Lauren Mason (Horton Park).

Mason was unable to catch Choi after boogieing the 14th, 15th and 16th holes in the final round. She finished with rounds of 72 (-1), 73 and 73 one under for the tournament.

Palmer Gold Coast member Karis Davidson was victorious in the 15 Years & Under Division. Davidson opened her tournament with a 74(+1) but then returned a disappointing 81(+8) in the second round; she closed her campaign with a 79 to finish 234.

Rebecca Kay (Coolangatta Tweed) was the runner up in the 15 Years & Under Division returning rounds of 78, 78 and 79 - 235.

In the Under 21 Years Division, Ellen Davies-Graham (Redcliffe) managed to edge out Indooroopilly member Gennai Goodwin after returning rounds of 75, 71, and 74 for 220. Davies-Graham’s (pictured below) final round included an eagle on the 5th Hole and a magnificent Hole-in-One at the par 3 16th hole.

Goodwin finished the tournament with scores of 80, 68 & 74 for 222. Goodwin’s second round score of 68 (-5) was the tournaments’ best.

The Katherine Hull Classic will continue to be a prominent feature on the Golf Queensland calendar, thank you to Katherine for her continued support of the event.

A special thank you must also go to the course superintendent Pat Pauli and his team for presenting the Horton Park layout in such magnificent condition.

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